Coop Viareggio: meat, quality, price…


Coop Viareggio: meat, quality, price…

In November 2014. "In Search of saving at all costs it is easy to run into deals that save also controls and quality.
Coop has always combined savings and quality because it offers the highest quality at the best market prices.
Le Buone Rosse is the line for beef and veal that offers, without compromising quality and safety, low price every day not only in the promotion".
This is what UNICOOP TIRRENO states on the last page of the folder (October 30 to November 12), valid for the the supermarket of Viareggio (Via S. Maria Goretti).

The meat together with fish, fruit and vegetables constitutes an essential reference for the assessment of consumers who recognize the objective qualities are induced to increase their frequency of visit.

Among the strategies of a "wise giant" as Coop stands out the clear attempt to reinforce a successfull mechanism: quality that is normally guaranteed must be supported by the convenience throughout the year.

The goal this time is independent of the promotions that the possession of a "membership card", which is certainly not trivial in Trade Policy Coop, and is based on a line of beef (pork has already low prices on the market) with parameters assured of quality and safety, cheap every day.

In this way, non-members have an ulterior motive to become instead the number of consumers who believe the meat is an essential part of the expenditure can have godness certified, tracking closely monitored and cheap prices, without any periodic offers to stimulate attention.

The substance of the facts, seems to be defined in a cross something that evokes a sort of "Every Day Low Price" on a specific sector, however, is particularly sensitive for the purpose of attraction to the store, plus the solid assurance of the highest quality.

It makes you think that the traditional butchers, at this point, would actually cut off!
The approach taken could be very effective because it aims to combine savings and quality of a fund for determining the distribution of a component essential for retention.

It consists of 27 pages, but it has a simple and practical impact.

There is evidence in the event "Tuscan specialties" (pages 8-11), insert the usual reserved for the convenience for members (pages 24-27), only two products on the front page: Galbanino GALBANI 270g. to € 2.06 (30% discount, framing well illustrated by reference to the € 2.94 departure) and RIO MARE Tuna in olive oil 200g.x2 to € 3.49 (net price here).

The page on the typical regional products enhances those the cooperative buys directly from local producers, with a commitment to preserve the uniqueness and support local economies.

Deserve mention, by way of example:

• CARDINI DELLA VAL DI CORNIA (Produce Section) € 2.98 per kg.;
• PROSCIUTTO TOSCANO (Protected Designation of Origin), maturing 24 months, PIACENTI (Deli) € 18.90 per kg .;
• TUSCAN EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL (Protected Geographical Indication) GIOSUE' CARDUCCI CO.AGRI 50cl. (Food Grocery) € 5.99;
• VIN SANTO DEL NONNO 75cl. (Beverages) € 4.89;
• WINE MONTEFICO (Designation of Origin) ELBA (Red / White) (Beverages) 75cl. €4.99

Lay out.

12 cash desks, typical configuration for a supermarket with fruits and vegetables at the entrance, lane mineral water at the end of the path before meeting locations cash, corner with plants, books, newspapers and magazines present.

The butcher is in both take away and service, 21 lanes wide among which is a linear entirely devoted to kitchen accessories, tableware and home textiles.

The non-food area manned by the seasonal theme of Halloween (costumes); significant timing (it is Thursday, October 30, 2014, at 19.30) and Panettone and Pandoro 1 Kg., strictly Coop brand, are already exposed on a special island, with the attractive price of € 2.99.
Examples of positioning prices on industry brand:

• MONINI extra virgin olive oil “Classico” 1 l. € 5.48;
COKE 1 l. € 1.25;
• PERONI Beer 66 cl. € 0.89;
• HEINEKEN Beer 66 cl. € 1.18.


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